AIR-Nets: An Attention-Based Framework for Locally Conditioned Implicit Representations


Simon Giebenhain and Bastian Goldluecke


This paper introduces Attentive Implicit Representation Networks (AIR-Nets), a simple, but highly effective architecture for 3D reconstruction using implicit functions. Since we believe that representing 3D shapes in a local and modular fashion increases generalization and reconstruction quality, AIR-Nets encode an input point cloud into a set of local latent vectors anchored in 3D space, which locally describe the object's geometry, as well as a global latent description, enforcing global consistency. The PointTransformer's vector attention mechanism serves as the main point cloud processing module, and allows for permutation invariance and translation equivariance. When queried with a 3D coordinate, our decoder gathers information from the global and nearby local latent vectors in order to predict an occupancy value. Experiments on the ShapeNet dataset show that AIR-Nets significantly outperform previous state-of-the-art encoder-based, implicit shape learning methods and especially dominate in the sparse setting. Furthermore, our model generalizes well to the FAUST dataset in a zero-shot setting. Finally, since AIR-Nets use a sparse latent representation and follow a simple operating scheme, the model offers several exiting avenues for future work.

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  Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT). No extensions will be granted.

Paper registration July 23 30, 2021
Paper submission July 30, 2021
Supplementary August 8, 2021
Tutorial submission August 15, 2021
Tutorial notification August 31, 2021
Rebuttal period September 16-22, 2021
Paper notification October 1, 2021
Camera ready October 15, 2021
Demo submission July 30 Nov 15, 2021
Demo notification Oct 1 Nov 19, 2021
Tutorial November 30, 2021
Main conference December 1-3, 2021
