PolyNet: Polynomial Neural Network for 3D Shape Recognition with PolyShape Representation


Mohsen Yavartanoo, Shih-Hsuan Hung, Reyhaneh Neshatavar, Yue Zhang and Kyoung Mu Lee


3D shape representation and its processing have substantial effects on 3D shape recognition. The polygon mesh as a 3D shape representation has many advantages in computer graphics and geometry processing. However, there are still some challenges for the existing deep neural network (DNN)-based methods on polygon mesh representation, such as handling the variations in the degree and permutations of the vertices and their pairwise distances. To overcome these challenges, we propose a DNN-based method (PolyNet) and a specific polygon mesh representation (PolyShape) with a multi-resolution structure. PolyNet contains two operations; (1) a polynomial convolution (PolyConv) operation with learnable coefficients, which learns continuous distributions as the convolutional filters to share the weights across different vertices, and (2) a polygonal pooling (PolyPool) procedure by utilizing the multi-resolution structure of PolyShape to aggregate the features in a much lower dimension. Our experiments demonstrate the strength and the advantages of PolyNet on both 3D shape classification and retrieval tasks compared to existing polygon mesh-based methods and its superiority in classifying graph representations of images.

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  Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT). No extensions will be granted.

Paper registration July 23 30, 2021
Paper submission July 30, 2021
Supplementary August 8, 2021
Tutorial submission August 15, 2021
Tutorial notification August 31, 2021
Rebuttal period September 16-22, 2021
Paper notification October 1, 2021
Camera ready October 15, 2021
Demo submission July 30 Nov 15, 2021
Demo notification Oct 1 Nov 19, 2021
Tutorial November 30, 2021
Main conference December 1-3, 2021
